Sunday, December 14, 2008

Twilight sequel update

OK, I'm a little late in posting this, but hey, it's the weekend, and I'm currently up to my ears in Xmas decorations, trying to finish up before tonight's Survivor finale!

Summit Entertainment made it official on Friday that Chris Weitz is indeed directing Twilight's anticipated sequel New Moon (which means he'll be on his way to Vancouver at this very moment to begin preproduction). In an effort to calm fans, the following was emailed to those registered at

Subject: Message from Chris Weitz

Dear fans of Twilight, New Moon, Bella, Edward and Jacob,

In the past few days I have been involved in a whirlwind romance with Stephenie Meyers' extraordinary books.

And I am very grateful to have received her permission to protect New Moon in its translation from the page to the screen.

For fans of the books and of the film of Twilight, this may come as an unexpected twist. So I want to write briefly to try to put you at ease, and to give you reason to hope for and expect the best.

For the last decade of my career as a director, I have chosen to make adaptations of complex and involved works of literature. This has always begun with the love of a book and its characters, story, and theme; and it has always involved a respect of and responsiveness to the feelings of other people who loved those books.

When I saw the film of Twilight, I was alternately entranced and left hungry for more. I was also struck by the extraordinary passion for the characters, story and theme that was evident in the people sitting in the seats around me. My job is to live up to that devotion.

Like many of you, I am a fan of Catherine Hardwicke's work. I can't really say much about why she is not doing New Moon because I wasn't involved in those decisions. But I can say that I will devote myself to making the very best and most faithful version of New Moon that can be brought to the screen. To those who doubt that as a male director I can capture Bella's experience, I can only say that emotion is universal and that my work has often involved working with some of the most talented actresses in the world.

For the rest, the proof will have to be in the pudding. But I promise to remain responsive to your hopes and fears.

I thank you for this opportunity and for your faith.

Very best, Chris Weitz

OK, sounds sincere, let's give him a chance. While I wasn't a fan of The Golden Compass, I absolutely loved About A Boy ...

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